Why are you learning English? What are the advantages of knowing this language? Thinking about your reasons for learning English can be a big help when studying seems boring or difficult. If you are struggling with motivation, remember why you want to learn English and maybe you will find some energy and enthusiasm again! Keep reading to see if your reasons are mentioned here and maybe you will see other advantages that you hadn't thought of! 1. For work A knowledge of English gives you more job opportunities and maybe even a higher salary! A lot of people need English for work nowadays, for phone calls, emails, reading academic papers, business meetings and so on. Even if you don't use English much in your current job, you never know what might happen in the future. Maybe your English will open up a new and exciting opportunity! If you're young and haven't started work yet, you will have more choices available to you when you do start job hunting. You might even want to work in an English-speaking country one day! 2. For studies Some students choose to go to university in an English-speaking country but more and more young people tell me that they need English for their studies even in their own country. English is especially important for studying science, medicine and technology. Even if your university days are behind you, you don't have to stop learning. There are more and more courses available online, often for free, and a lot of these are in English. Take a look at Future Learn, Udemy or Coursera, for example. 3. For travel Obviously, it's great to know the language when you visit the UK, America or Australia, for example, but even if you go to a country with a different language, there are plenty of people who can speak English if you need help with something. One in five people in the world can speak at least some English. And of course, English is used at airports and on the plane. 4. For entertainment Do you like watching films, TV shows or Netflix? If you speak English, you suddenly have a lot more to choose from! Sure, you can probably put the subtitles on in your own language, but you might enjoy it more if you can understand at least some of the original English. 5. For music If you enjoy listening to music, then I'm sure you will see that it would great to be able to understand the lyrics of English songs rather than having to look for a translation. 6. For books There may be many English books which have been translated into your language but there are many more which are have not. Also, the quality of the translation probably varies. Some people enjoy the book more when they can read it in the original language. 7. For the Internet More than half of websites are written in English. Knowing English gives you access to a lot more information than if you are limited to sites written in your own language. 8. To learn about culture Knowing English can help you to learn about other cultures and others ways of life. This broadens your mind and helps you to grow as a person. I remember a student who I taught in England a few years ago telling me that he had learnt so much more than just English. 9. To make friends I love having international friends! Maybe you can meet more people if you speak English. You can make friends online, working at an international company, in your English classes or when you travel. 10. To live abroad Maybe you would like to live in an English-speaking country one day, even if it's just for a few months or years. I lived in Poland for a couple of years so I know first-hand how difficult it can be to live in another country when you don't know the language, and how much easier it is when you learn! In some countries, you have to have a certain level of proficiency in the language to apply for citizenship. 11. To exercise your brain There have been studies which suggest that learning another language is good for your memory and can even help to delay dementia and Alzheimer's disease. 12. Just for fun Some English people learn English simply because they love languages or because they love a challenge! Learning English doesn't have to be boring. Do things that you enjoy anyway, like watching films or social media, but do them in English! Can you think of any reasons that I have forgotten? You can tell me in the comments! You may also like this post about motivation. Would you like more tips for learning English plus free English lessons? Click the button below to sign up. Comments are closed.
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