Everybody probably knows that we use "should" and "shouldn't" for giving advice but there are some other uses which you may not be aware of. Keep reading to find out.
Welcome to part 5 in my modal verb series. Today I'm going to tell you how to use "shall". Click here to see the other posts in the series so far. "Shall" isn't used quite as often as the other modal verbs but there are a couple of situations where it is common: offers and suggestions. Keep reading to learn more.
My first post on tips for improving speaking skills in English is my most visited post so I thought I would do another one with some extra ideas for you! Click here to see the first post.
Do you want to improve your pronunciation? In this post, I'll give you some tips and suggestions. You can also find advice about some useful apps and websites.
August is named after Emperor Augustus, the first Roman emperor, as this is the month when he had some of his greatest triumphs. It’s the last month of summer in England and it can be as hot as July or sometimes even hotter, although it varies from year to year.
August is named after Emperor Augustus, the first Roman emperor, because he did many great things in this month. It’s the last month of summer in England. It is usually hot but it's different every year.
This is the fourth post in my series on modal verbs. Today I'm going to look at the different uses of "would". Make sure you look at this post about will too so you can compare will and would.
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