This is post number three in my series on modal verbs. Today I'm going to look at the different uses of "will". I was actually surprised at how many different meanings there are! It's not just for the future! We use "will" to talk about: 1. Spontaneous decisions about the future (made at the moment of speaking) I'll have a coffee, please. 2. Offers I'll help you with that if you like. 3. Promises Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. 4. Predictions about the future I think he'll probably pass the exam. 5. Future facts I'll be 52 next year. 6. Willingness I'll tell you anything you want to know. 7. Refusal He won't listen to anything I say! 8. Requests Will you close the window, please? 9. Invitations and offers Will you come in for a cup of coffee? 10. Expressing certainty Oh! The phone's ringing. That'll be Dad. 11. Annoying habits You will ask stupid questions! 12. Formal commands All teachers will attend the staff meeting on Wednesdays. 13. First conditional If it stops raining, we'll go for a walk. To read more about how we talk about the future in English, read this post about will, be going to, present continuous and present simple. To learn about the the first conditional, click here. To get a free modal verb reference sheet, click the button below: Comments are closed.
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