Teachers tell students that there are four kinds of conditional sentence: zero, first, second and third. (Click the links to see the posts.) These cover most conditionals but of course there are some that don't fit the pattern! This post will show you how to make mixed conditionals and what they mean.
Some time ago, I started a series of posts about conditional sentences in English and now it's time to finish it! So let's have a look at the third conditional. (You can learn about the other conditionals by clicking here: zero conditional, first conditional and second conditional.
Why are you learning English? What are the advantages of knowing this language? Thinking about your reasons for learning English can be a big help when studying seems boring or difficult. If you are struggling with motivation, remember why you want to learn English and maybe you will find some energy and enthusiasm again! Keep reading to see if your reasons are mentioned here and maybe you will see other advantages that you hadn't thought of!
As with the other perfect continuous tenses, the future perfect continuous combines the ideas of the future perfect and the future continuous. We imagine a future time and then look back to an earlier time. We are also interested in the duration of the action. It probably isn’t used as often as the other future forms.
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