Today's lesson is about phrasal verbs we use to describe relationships. Keep reading to learn how to talk about family relationships, friendships and romance.
Do you find it difficult to learn and remember phrasal verbs? A lot of students say it's one of the most difficult things about learning English. One way to learn them is by topic so here is a list of phrasal verbs which are useful for talking about telephone calls.
When I started to post on Instagram, I made 24 phrasal verb posts, one for each letter of the alphabet except for X and Y! I tried to choose phrasal verbs that are useful or interesting. Here they are! I hope you enjoy them! (You can find me on Instagram @learnenglishwithkatie.)
Today's mini lesson is about the phrasal verb "pick up". Did you know it has lots of different meanings? Here are the top six!
Free courseYour 5 steps to confident English communication at work - a free email mini-course for professional women.
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