I recently found this story online and really liked it so I wanted to share it with you. Also, I think reading stories is a great way to improve your English. After the story, you can find a list of vocabulary and my explanation of what I think the story means. You can also listen to me reading the story if you click here. The Truth and the Lie One day, the Truth and the Lie met on the road. The Lie said to the Truth, "It's a lovely day today!" The Truth looked up at the sky and sighed, for the day really was beautiful. They walked together for a while, until they reached a beautiful well. The Lie told the Truth, “The water in the well is very nice. Let’s take a swim together!” The Truth was suspicious but she tested the water and discovered that it was indeed very nice. They undressed and started to bathe. Suddenly, the Lie jumped out of the well, put on the clothes of the Truth and ran off towards a nearby village. Furious, the Truth leapt out of the well and ran to find the Lie and get her clothes back. The villagers, seeing the Naked Truth, were angry and embarrassed so they looked away. The poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding her shame. And since that day, the Lie travels the world, clothed as The Truth, satisfying the needs of society, because the World has no wish at all to meet the naked Truth. Vocabulary sigh = to let out a long breath when happy, sad or tired well = a place to get water, like a deep hole in the ground suspicious = how you feel when you don't believe or trust somebody undress = take clothes off bathe = swim or relax in water, or have a bath furious = very angry leap = jump (past tense: leapt or leaped) embarrassed = feeling uncomfortable or ashamed so that your face goes red shame = a painful feeling of embarrassment or guilt naked = without clothes the naked truth = the pure truth with nothing hidden or added, even if it is uncomfortable So what do you think this story means? Have a think about this for a moment before you read my answer... This is my interpretation. I think it means that there are a lot of lies in the world and it’s often difficult to know what’s true and what isn’t. Some lies are very convincing and we can be fooled easily. The truth is sometimes hidden and we have to look for it. But people don’t like to hear the truth. Sometimes total truth and honesty actually make us uncomfortable. Would you like tips on how to learn English and free English lessons by email? Sign up for my free newsletters here: Comments are closed.
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