Do you know when to use "in", "on" and "at" for time? I've noticed that a lot of learners find this difficult to remember so I've created this post to help you. Try my quiz and learn when to use these surprisingly confusing prepositions! Quiz
Now have a look at this information and see if you need to change any answers. IN Longer periods: in July, in summer, in 2021, in the 1970s, in the 20th century Parts of the day: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening ON Days and dates: on Monday, on 6th April, on Christmas Day, on New Year's Eve, on my birthday Also: on the weekend (USA), on Monday morning, on Saturday evening AT Time: at midday, at 3.30, at 8 o'clock, at lunchtime Holidays: at Christmas, at New Year Also: at the weekend (UK), at night Quiz answers
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