I'm starting a series on Instagram and on my blog about all the tenses. Present simple is the first one everybody learns but do you know all the different uses? Do you know how to form questions and negatives? In some ways, this tense is not simple at all! Keep reading to learn more!
How simple is the present simple?!
Can you find the mistakes? 1. I haven't a brother. 2. He like pizza. 3. I'm going to the gym every day. 4. I read a good book at the moment. 5. My parents lives in London. 6. Sue don't like chocolate. Keep reading to check your answers!
Do you know when to use the past simple, past continuous, past perfect and past perfect continuous tenses? Test your knowledge with this quiz!
Test your knowledge of present simple, present continuous, present perfect and present perfect continuous with this quiz. (And make sure you check out my past tenses quiz as well!)
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